For a long time I wanted to find out what is so unusual about call girls, once they have a huge demand for their services. Now I understand, a rare girl will be so long, skillfully and with such pleasure to suck her boyfriend's dick. A minute, two minutes, and then be good to switch to her pussy. She'd give a blowjob until you pulled her hair out! She's definitely worth her money.
What's the model's name?
Who wants to go with me?
Wow, that's such a thrill
Klas I'm 19 years old
Yes, this cum herself almost jumped out of her panties to suck the guy. He held on as hard as he could. But when that blonde offered to fuck her, he couldn't help himself. And so for that he dipped his shaft into her mouth, but only to wet it. And then her asshole just sobbed, taking the pussy inside her. It was a pleasure she had never known before. But now she had been unleashed, too!
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